Quality Management Software

Quality Management Software

In Today's business consistent and sharp focus on quality is required. Quality is a key factor in business growth. Quality is a most important factor in customer satisfaction. Customers expect perfection and today no one can afford to lose customers.
Customer satisfaction is key in success of the organization. To gain customer satisfaction quality systems in the organizations should be efficient.Monitoring of quality is required in order to prevent customer from getting a low quality product.
Quality not only determines the customer satisfaction but also helps organization to get a brand value and increased market share.



Quality Define

  • Quality means that a product satisfies the demands of its specifications
  • It also means achieving a high level of customer satisfaction with the product
  • In software systems this is difficult–customer quality requirements (e.g. efficiency or reliability) often conflict with developer quality requirements (e.g. maintainability or reusability)–software specifications are often incomplete, inconsistent, or ambiguous


Quality Management Software


Quality Software is the degree of conformance to explicit or implicit requirements and expectations.


Quality Software ensures that the required level of quality is achieved by submitting improvements to the product development process. Quality Software aims to develop a culture within the team and it is seen as everyone's responsibility.


Quality Software should be independent of project management to ensure independence of cost and schedule adherences. It directly affects the process quality and indirectly affects the product quality.

Quality Software is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction.


Activity Of Quality Management Software

  • Quality AssuranceQA aims at developing Organizational procedures and standards for quality at Organizational level.
  • Quality PlanningSelect applicable procedures and standards for a particular project and modify as required to develop a quality plan.
  • Quality ControlEnsure that best practices and standards are followed by the software development team to produce quality products.


Process-Based Quality

  • Product quality is influenced by the quality of its production process
  • This relationship is easy the see in the manufacture of goods, it is more complex for software production .
  • Determine the process standards to be used (e.g. review procedures, configuration management, etc.)
  • Monitor the development process to ensure standards are being followed
  • Report process findings to project manger and customer Process-based quality



Quality monitoring has some of the Benefits

1) Increased Quality
2) Increased performance
3) Reduced Cost
4) Reduction in customer Claims
5) Increased Revenue