How to do Production Planning

How to do Production Planning

Production Planning Software

How to do Production Planning ?

PPC System consist of planning,routing,scheduling, dispatching and Progressing the Production Process.

Objectives of Advanced Production Planning & Control

  • Timely Supply of finished goods.
  • Maximum utilization  of Material  and  human  resources
  • Effective Control of Production Process
  • Help to Produce the goods on the basic of sale.


How to do Production Planning using Type of Production Plan

  1. Production Plan  relating the qualities of sale.
  2. Production Plan relating to the method
  3. Production Plan relating to the time.


Basic Principle of Production Planning Software

  • Forecasting

Before you can plan to assign resources, you have to know how much to produce. The forecasts consist of a target and a possible variation. Production planning focuses on the principle of meeting the target in the most efficient way possible while keeping open the capability to respond to variations in demand

  • Materials

To fulfill your production target, you must have the materials needed to produce the goods on hand. The most efficient production planning keeps the minimum materials in inventory. Production planners evaluate how much material the company needs, the lead times for orders, the delivery times for suppliers and the reliability of the supply.

  • Equipment

The production planner takes into account the capabilities of the equipment used to produce the output. A basic production principle takes the historic output of the equipment, applies a safety factor and uses that to predict actual capabilities. If a production planner foresees a capacity requirement beyond the capabilities of the equipment, he investigates the acquisition or leasing of additional equipment or capacity.

  • Manpower

Manpower planning requires accurately estimating the number of employees required to do the work. A basic principle plans for the number of workers required to fulfill the target and uses overtime and layoffs to compensate for variations.  Manpower planning also uses historical data to adequately project time lost due to sickness and employee turnover.

  • Processes

Effective production planning makes sure that the processes used for the output continue to operate efficiently and safely. Production planning principles require that such procedures are up to date and, if required during the planned production run, the plan allocates the necessary time and resources

  • Controls

A final production planning principle puts in place controls that detect problems as soon as they occur. Verification of inventory, use of qualified suppliers and personnel, standardization where possible and frequent testing of intermediate and final outputs can prevent quality problems and production delays.


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